Council Membership

In accordance with Statute 15, there shall be a Council of the University that shall be the governing body of the University.

(a) Ex-Officio Members:

In accordance with the proportionate number of members prescribed in these Ordinances from time to time, the Council shall comprise ex-officio, independent and elected members.

(b) Independent Members:

There shall be independent members nominated by the Nominations, Performance and Remuneration Committee who shall be appointed by the Council and shall form a minimum of a third of the overall membership of the Council.

Independent members may be approached directly by the Nominations, Performance and Remuneration Committee or on the recommendation of a member or members of the Council. The Nominations, Performance and Remuneration Committee may also liaise with the Secretary to Council and the Head of Human Resources to determine whether a recruitment campaign is needed and, if so, what form this should take.

Independent members shall be invited to serve for three years and shall normally be eligible for re-appointment for two further terms.

(c) Elected Members:

(i) There shall be three members of the Senate elected by that body from among its elected members. The term of office is three years coterminous with membership of Senate, with eligibility for re-election for, normally, no more than two further terms.

(ii) There shall be a member of the administrative and support services staff to be elected from among their own number. The term of office shall be three years, with eligibility for re-election for, normally, no more than two further terms.

(d) Nominated Student:

There shall be a student nominated, and replaced from time to time, by the Students’ Union, in accordance with its procedures. The term of office shall be one year or until the student ceases to be a student of the University, whichever is earlier.

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(e) Nominated Alumnus:

There shall be an alumnus nominated, and replaced from time to time, by Convocation, in accordance with its procedures. The term of office shall be three years, with eligibility for reappointment for, normally, no more than two further terms.

(f) Co-opted Members:

There shall be co-opted members as required by the Council. Co-opted members shall take part in debates but shall not be entitled to vote. For the purposes of quoracy, co-opted members shall not be included in the membership count. Co-opted members may be from within or outwith the University. For persons outwith the University, co-option to the Council shall be dependent upon the completion of appropriate due diligence and clearance by the Head of Legal Services. Co-opted members shall serve an initial term as determined by the Council and shall be eligible for re-appointment. On notice of co-opted members approaching the end of their tenure, the Chair shall call for a vote as to whether that co-opted member shall continue membership of the Council for a further term. The Council shall allow a co- opted member to be re-appointed more than once on the proviso that this procedure is followed.

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