Former student volunteers to give medical help in Nepal

26 May 2015

Samuel BarrettA former student is going to Nepal to help give medical aid to the survivors of the devastating earthquakes.

Former BBE student Samuel Barrett, who is a paramedic, is going out to the disaster-hit region.

He will be travelling out to the region close to Katamandu, where those hit by the disaster are still awaiting medical aid, with an organisation called Disaster Medics.

Samuel, who lives in London, said: “Over the 12 days that I’m there I will be joining a team providing emergency medical care to those people affected by the two large earthquakes that have struck Nepal. I am lucky enough to be self-employed so I can take time out to go and help. I felt that it was something I should do.”

Disaster Medics works directly with local organisations to assist their relief efforts and therefore ensures help is received where it is needed most.

For those wishing to donate to Disaster Medics, here is the website: