Buckingham joins campaign to outlaw essay mills

3 September 2018

The University of Buckingham has joined a campaign to ban essay mills.

Essay mills are organisations that provide custom-written essays to students to enable them to cheat in academic assessments by submitting the work as their own. As the work is

custom written, this form of cheating is particularly difficult for universities to detect.

The use of essay mills is on the rise

The University of Buckingham is backing a call to the Government to follow the example of New Zealand, Ireland and 17 US states and close the legal loophole that allows essay mills to operate unchecked, by bringing forward legislation that would outlaw the provision and advertising of essay mills.

Sir Anthony Seldon, Vice-Chancellor of The University of Buckingham, said: “We must put a stop to this at once. Our own students work incredibly hard and we are ranked top in the country for teaching quality because of our high standards. It is imperative that all students are made to abide by the rules.”

Sign the petition