Be happy, confident and unusual (Annie Penn, 13 February 2013)

Annie PennAnnie Penn is a confident and fast speaking PR consultant, with an amazing story. She was living on income support one year ago and went on to make £80,000 a year today.

She lives every day as if it was her last, and is always happy and grateful for having food, clothes and water. You might as well make your days count and do what you love, as we are all worm food pretty soon anyway, she said.

Annie’s self belief seems to be a great contributor to her success. If a client doesn’t get at least 20% increase in profit in 6 weeks, they will get their money back. She also said that you have to know your worth, and show other people how you can specifically help them.

At networking events, Annie does something unusual. When other people stand up and introduce themselves and tell others what they do, Annie takes notes on how she can help them. When her turn comes, she picks out some people she believes she can help and tells them how. This will both give her attention and new customers.

Annie said that she owes a lot of her success to other people. You will be surprised how easy it is to get other people to help you, by simply asking. To be able to find the right people to work with is vital. They can help you in the areas of business which you aren’t good at. This will increase your chances of success, but also let you focus on the things you want to do and make it a whole lot more fun.

(based on an article by Hjørtur Justinussen)