Education degrees
Initial Teacher Training and Professional Development
The University of Buckingham Education degrees and teacher training courses are amongst the most successful and accessible in the country. With over 1,000 teachers and school leaders studying with us each year, we are one of the country’s leading providers of teacher training and professional development.
Our Primary, Prep and Secondary PGCE programmes are all available with Qualified Teacher Status (QTS) enabling teachers to teach in state-maintained and special schools in England. For those wishing to use their schools’ Levy to fund their training, we also offer a Postgraduate Teacher Apprenticeship with QTS and PGCE.
For teachers in the Independent Schools’ sector, we have an Independent PGCE which has been developed in close consultation with The Heads’ Conference (HMC).
Those teaching abroad can achieve their PGCE by studying our PGCE for International Trainees. This qualification is available online with regular virtual seminars and support sessions throughout.
All of our master’s courses are available completely online and are a fantastic way to develop your expertise in a particular aspect of the sphere of Education. Whether your interest is in leadership and management, or something else entirely, we can support your career progression and aspirations.
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What we believe
- Good teachers are what matters most in a school system.
- Buckingham believes in classroom based teacher training and deliberate practice.
- Good subject knowledge is a principal characteristic of the best teachers.
- Different school subjects are different and need specific teaching methods.
- We believe in the value of some learning being hands-on in the classroom.
- There is no one teaching style but some methods are more effective than others.
- Many children can do better at school than they are.
- All children need to be able to read well before they leave Primary school. Phonics is the best way to do this.
- Little can be achieved, especially in Secondary schools, without good discipline.
- All children, but especially disadvantaged children, need a body of knowledge to build on if they are to make a success of school. You cannot think deeply about a subject unless you have knowledge. Teaching so-called ‘facts’ is often a prerequisite for independent work and thought.
- Disadvantaged children need access to the knowledge known as cultural capital, including vocabulary, if they are to compete.
- Repeated testing is essential if pupils are to retain knowledge and understanding.
- Technology should be used where there is good evidence it is better than direct instruction by a teacher alone. Good textbooks can be as important as computers.
- School is not only about exam results. Good mental and physical health, kindness to others, worthwhile habits and the discovery of new interests such as art, music and drama are also important.
Education Events
Student feedback
Semele, PGCE
“The residential was very clear and had a lot of thought had put into finding a good range of speakers to interest people from all backgrounds. I’ve returned back to school today full of ideas (and I’m sure annoying my colleagues!). It was also really nice to meet the other PGCE students finally and our subject day was very well thought out too.“
Your future career
Our Faculty of Education programmes range from the PGCE with Qualified Teacher Status (QTS) to tailored master’s programmes or a doctorate. We believe good teacher training focuses on the practice of classroom management and apply what good research and experience tells us works best.
Our PGCE is available for those teaching in state, independent and international schools. Our master’s programmes offer structured and accredited professional development opportunities, enabling you to progress your career and extend your knowledge of a particular area within the field of education.
Graduating from the Faculty of Education will equip you with the knowledge and skills needed to make a positive, lasting difference to those you teach and work with.
School links and partners
We have many partners that we work with at the Faculty of Education including: Anspear, ASTRA TSH Buckinghamshire, Birmingham City Council; Boarding Schools Association (BSA), Chiltern Learning Trust, Council of British International Schools (COBIS), Duke’s Education; EAST SCITT, HMC, IAPS, Inclusion Education, Leadership Matters/National College of Education, National Mathematics and Physics SCITT (NMAPS), Oxfordshire Teacher Training, St. Edward’s School Oxford, STEP Ahead Teaching School Hub, The Anglo Institute of Education in Mexico and Wiltshire and Berkshire Teacher Training.
Internationally we work with: ILM Consultants (Qatar) and The Buckingham International School of Education (China). We are also members of COBIS, FOBISIA and BSME.
Education news and views
Meet the Dean
Our Dean, Professor Barnaby Lenon, was brought up in south London and educated at Eltham College and Oxford University. He won the Cambridge University prize for Education. He taught at Eton for 12 years, was Deputy Head of Highgate School, Headmaster of Trinity School, Croydon, and Headmaster of Harrow (also for 12 years). He then helped set up a state schools in east London, the London Academy of Excellence, and was Chair of Governors there for nine years. He is currently trustee of the two independent and 10 state schools in the King Edward’s Birmingham Foundation.
He is Dean of Education at The University of Buckingham, Chairman of the Independent Schools’ Council and a trustee of the Yellow Submarine charity.
He has recently published two books, “Much Promise: successful schools in England” and “Other People’s Children: what happens to the academically least successful 50%?”
He is one of the most widely quoted educationalists in the media. In 2019, he was awarded a CBE for services to Education.
Meet our lecturers

Dr Bethany Kelly, Associate Professor
Dr Kelly has worked in education for over twenty years with all but the first three years in leadership roles. This led first to a Masters in Educational Leadership and then to her doctorate looking at Leadership, Identity and Gender. As well as overseeing the academic programmes for the department, Bethany continues to write and speak in the UK and internationally on a range of educational topics including her own research interests.

Marilena Pevreall, Head of Secondary School Teacher Training
Marilena has a microbiology and immunology background and worked in science education for 22 years. Her teaching experience ranges from Secondary to Further to Higher Education. Following her training she worked at More House School in Frensham before accepting the role of Head of Biology at King Edwards School, Witley.
Her teaching interests , besides Biology, include creating authentic assessment strategies and cross-curricular links in science education.
She is a lifelong learner, currently working towards her EdD looking at contribution of coaching in Education.

Stephen Cook, Senior Tutor and Director of SCITTS and Overseas Programmes
Stephen started his teaching career in 1999 and taught Geography and Business Studies in three schools in Essex as a teacher, a middle leader and senior leader between 2000 & 2010. During this time, he also completed a Masters in Educational Leadership. In 2010 he left full time teaching and started educational consultancy work and in 2013 he moved to West Africa where he spent one year as Headteacher of a football academy in Sierra Leone. Upon his return to UK, Stephen started working in Initial Teacher Education for Canterbury Christ Church University, then joined the team of tutors at University of Buckingham.

Holly Naismith, Head of Physical Education
Holly started her teaching career in 2010 as a teacher of Physical Education and Music. She then moved to West London Free School to become Head of Girls’ Games before moving to the role of Director of Sport. Holly then returned to the school she went to as a pupil, Stamford Endowed Schools as Head of Physical Education and lead of ITT.
Holly has always maintained an interest in developing young teachers and is currently studying on the University’s EdD programme with a focus on teacher learning and professional development. Holly is a passionate sports woman and has played Hockey at national league level. She has completed her Great Britain Advanced coaching programme certification and currently coaches a men’s national league team.

Francesca Whitelock, Senior Lecturer Primary Schools
Francesca has had a successful career primary school teacher and leader, winning Pearson’s Silver award for new teacher of the year in her early career.
She has lead Mathematics as a subject specialist, worked with the Maths Hub and published articles in the Mathematics Association Magazine. This work inspired Francesca to focus her Master’s thesis on improving attitudes towards Mathematics in primary aged children. In addition to Mathematics, she is interest in developing new teachers, which culminated in her completing the NPQ in Leading Teacher Development.

Brendan Morris, Course Developer
Brendan has worked for ten years within the independent education sector as Head of Year, Head of Internal Exams and Boarding Housemaster. He has played a significant role in teacher development through delivery of internal and external CPD sessions. Brendan’s has research interests in cognitive science, metacognition and self-regulation, and how these approaches can be adopted in the classroom.
Brendan joined us following completion of the PGCE with QTS, further postgraduate studies in middle leadership and MEd in Educational Leadership and Management.

Lucille Gregory, Assistant Head of Primary Education
Lucille has worked in primary schools for 13 years, leading English as a subject specialist. She has a degree in Psychology and Early Childhood Studies and a PGCE. Lucille has a keen interest in building teachers’ subject knowledge and has extensive experience in mentoring and training developing teachers and ECTs.
In addition to primary English, Lucille’s teaching interests include early reading, assessment strategies and curriculum design.