Faculty of Business, Humanities and Social Sciences | School of Humanities and Social Sciences | Economics and International Studies

Mr Michael Prodger

London Programme Course Director

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Senior Research Fellow in the History of Modern Art

Michael ProdgerMichael Prodger received his BA in the History of Art from the Courtauld Institute of Art where he also studied for his PhD on Baron Gros and Napoleonic Painting. He subsequently worked as an arts and books specialist for the Sunday Telegraph where he became Literary Editor. He has been a judge on various literary prizes, including the Man Booker, the Samuel Johnson, the David Cohen and the Costa prizes. He is currently the art critic for Standpoint magazine and writes for a wide range of newspapers and journals including the Sunday Times, Financial Times, Guardian and Spectator. He is Course Director of the Humanities Research Institute’s London MA programme in History of Art: Renaissance to Modernism.

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