Governance Effectiveness Review update – July 2024

11 July 2024

The University of Buckingham announced the completion of a detailed independent governance effectiveness review in December 2023, conducted by The Halpin Partnership, which led to a number of improvements being proposed for consideration.

Phase 1 saw a number of improvements delivered by March. June saw the end of the second of six planned phases of implementation being overseen by a Steering Group of Council members.

Set out below is a summary of improvements delivered in Phase 2 (April to June 2024):

  • The Executive Group’s Terms of Reference have been reviewed and discussed at meetings of Council and Senate to aid understanding of the scope of its powers.
  • The Students’ Union-nominated member vacancy on Council which had been vacant for some time has now been filled, doubling the student representation on Council.
  • The Secretary to Council now attends meetings of the Executive Group as an observer to aid governance oversight and planning.
  • An open and strategic trustee recruitment process was completed driven toward filling an identified skills need on Council and a broader drive to improve the diversity of Council’s membership. Five new trustees and two co-opted members were appointed and their appointment was publicised internally and externally.
  • Structured induction activity for new Council and Senate members has commenced which now includes content around the role, responsibilities and powers of each group and an overview of the role of the Secretary to Council.
  • Council now has greater communications support, with a Communications Plan being developed to support raising awareness of governance and the role of Council. Regular meetings between the Chair of Council, Secretary and Communications Manager have been scheduled to consider key messages emerging from Council that can be publicised internally, and externally where appropriate.
  • The Secretary has held a conversation with the Alumni representative on Council geared toward facilitating their full participation in meetings given challenges in respect of their geographical location.
  • Planning has commenced for faculty-based site visits for Council to attend as part of its ordinary meetings, geared toward improving visibility of Council on campus and Council’s understanding of University operations. A faculty visit to the Medical School is being planned for Council’s meeting on 7 August 2024.
  • Work has commenced to survey external stakeholders in the autumn, which is designed to aid Council in understanding the external perception of the University.
  • Work has commenced on a survey of Council and Senate members geared toward understanding how the two groups feel communications between them are working and where improvements might be made, again for launch in the autumn.

If you have any enquiries regarding governance at The University of Buckingham, please contact our Secretary of Council: