Governance Effectiveness Review – Implementation Update

10 April 2024

The University of Buckingham announced in December 2023 that the University had completed a detailed independent governance effectiveness review with The Halpin Partnership (“Halpin”)and included a copy of Halpin’s report. Alongside its publication was a commitment to provide updates regarding implementation of the various improvements put forward by Halpin.

The implementation of governance improvements is being overseen by a Steering Group of Council members that includes the Chair of Council, the Vice-Chancellor and staff and student members of Council. March saw the end of the first of six phases of implementation that run to summer 2025.

Set out below is a summary of improvements delivered in Phase 1 (January to March 2024):

  • Completed a comprehensive review of the University’s Scheme of Delegation and Ordinances following a detailed consultation process.
  • Restructured Council’s sub-committees, to incorporate dedicated committees for staff remuneration (“Remuneration Committee”) and nominations, appointment and governance matters (“Nominations and Governance Committee”).
  • Improved planning for meetings of Council and its committees, to incorporate regular sessions with Chairs and key staff to more effectively plan the business of meetings.
  • Implemented a schedule of regular meetings between the Chair of Council, Vice-Chancellor, Registrar and the Secretary to Council to ensure a joined-up approach to governance planning.
  • Improved the information available on the University’s website pertaining to Council, with biographies and photos of Council members now accessible.
  • Facilitated, from February, arrangements for Faculty Deans to observe Council meetings.
  • Commenced a trustee recruitment process driven toward increasing the skills and experience on Council and its committees, with a broader drive towards improving the diversity of Council’s membership.
  • Improved arrangements to ensure Council members are able to observe Town Hall meetings.
  • Improved Council member access to sector-based new sources to support them in their role.
  • Improved Council member induction to ensure a greater understanding of the role and responsibilities of trustees, Council and other key University bodies.
  • Council approved a revised Donations Policy for the University, with more detailed requirements in terms of the due diligence to be undertaken on donors and donations.

Further updates on the implementation of governance improvements will be provided in due course.

If you have any enquiries regarding governance at The University of Buckingham, please contact our Secretary of Council: